give the gift of pure water to Families with children in Ukraine. They are in critical need due to Putin’s military Invasion and the recent dam collapse
- For just $125, you can give a family in dire need of safe drinking and cooking water a 3000+ gallon capacity PureWater4Kids gravity bucket water purifier system that removes parasites, viruses, chemicals and bad tastes. That’s only $5 a month over the two year life expectancy of the purifier!
- The PureWater4 Kids bucket purifier system provides up to 100 gallons a day in emergency situations to help several families at a time. The Black carbon block 9″ filter element is cleanable to extend it’s capacity.
- You can donate via Zelle to or to $Chrislovealive via Cash App. If you use Zelle or the Cash app, open the app and scan the QR codes below.
- If you prefer, you can send a check to Pure Water 4 Kids, 1018 W Faith Circle, Bradenton, FL 34212. Your gift of any amount will help us give safe, clean water to as many families as possible.

Pure Water 4 Kids is a missions outreach of Love Alive Ministries Inc. of Bradenton Florida. LAM is a subordinate member of the Fellowship Network in Irving Texas. Through the IRS group exemption 1620, both LAM and PW4K are 501c3 tax exempt. All donations are 100% tax deductible.